V oice O f T he E arth
Our training, legal, and campaigns programs shift power from global elites to local communities and frontline earth rights defenders.

Our work covers:

We focus our work at the intersection of human rights and the environment, which we define as earth rights.

Our specializations are in fact-finding, legal actions against perpetrators of earth rights abuses and training for grassroots and community leaders.

Through these strategies, We seek to end earth rights abuses, and to promote and protect earth rights.

Earth Law

In most countries, nature has the legal status of property. Under this system, the environment has no voice in decision-making and cannot bring issues to court. Vote.org works to shift this paradigm, fighting for formal recognition of nature's inherent right to thrive. Earth Law gives ecosystems the same rights as people and corporations. This enables the defense of nature in the courts—not only for the benefit of people, but also for the sake of nature itself.

Climate Justice

The Environmental and Climate Justice Program works at addressing the many practices that are harming communities nationwide and worldwide and the policies needed to rectify these impacts and advance a society that fosters sustainable, cooperative, regenerative communities that uphold all rights for all people in harmony with the earth.


Environmental activism encompasses a broad array of individuals and organizations working in scientific, social, conservational, and political fields that address the concerns of environmentalism. These individuals and organizations are known collectively as part of the environmental movement or green movement. Environmental activists within the green movement do not share a common political affiliation or agenda and seek diverse solutions to environmental problems.